Tuesday, May 15, 2007


My friend Kat tagged me on her blog, so I'm supposed to tell you some stuff about me. I'd be more enthusiastic about it but right now, I'm tired and sad. But still, it's cool that she thought of me so I can't let her down, right? So here goes, ten things about me that you may not know...

1. My littlest toes have almost no nail. They remind me of baby chickens.
2. There's not an animal on this planet that I wouldn't pet, hug, or talk to.
3. My best friend in the whole world was a cat.
4. I talk to myself, even designing whole stories or conversations I wish I could have with people.
5. I think people who judge on physical appearances have weak minds.
6. I like most animals more than I like most people.
7. I'm not who people think I am.
8. I like vanilla yogurt better than just about anything else in the world.
9. Rice, tuna and ceasar dressing eating all mixed together, make me happier than sex.
10. I'm still in love with my husband.

So there ya go.