I remember. I had to wait until now to post about it because I worked yesterday.
I was driving my daughter to school and listening to the radio. I heard them say something about the Twin Towers. I thought, "is it the anniversary of the day someone put bombs in the garage there?" So when I got home I turned on the tv. Just in time to catch the second plane hit. I can't remember what I was wearing, simply that it was something I'd thrown on. But I remember dropping to the floor in absolute shock. I stayed glued to the television and watched those beautiful towers. I saw people jumping out of windows and was horrified. I was still thinking to myself, "but if they just wait...." And then, it happened. The second tower fell, and the first soon followed. It solidified in my mind at that moment, "Those people knew there was no way out." Which was followed quickly with, "How many innocent people just died because some people don't like our government?" I sat and sobbed. I had to work that night, and I took my radio with me so that I could listen. I took one of my emergency candles out of my emergency kit in the car and lit it. That candle continued to get lit every day until they'd declared that there were no more survivors to be found.
I watched the coverage of the Pentagon and I remember being sort of numb and thinking, "Well at least not as many people died there."
And then they talked about that 4th plane, the one that crashed before it reached it's destination. I prayed that it wasn't an "accidental dump" by the stupid terrorists but that perhaps some brave person or persons had managed to turn the tables at the last minute. That's exactly what we all found out later had happened.
I have two brothers in the Marines. The eldest narrowly escaped being sent over to Iraq during the Gulf War. But he's in Iraq now, for the third time. The younger brother has been over once and is scheduled to go over again soon. I worry about all our soldiers there. I mourn with the families left behind when beloved soliders are killed.
I'm disgusted that our president used yesterday as an excuse to justify his personal vendetta against Iraq.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
My hero died today.

My heart is heavy with grief for his family, for myself and for the world. I believe we've lost the modern day Noah. I'm sure that every animal waiting on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge cried out for Joy when he strolled over. They have thier friend with them. But there are tears of sadness here. All his animal friends at Australia Zoo have lost someone very special and I'm sure their little hearts are broken too.
Rest in peace Steve. You were loved. You are honored and you are greatly missed already.
Since he's not here to say it, I'm going to do it for him....."HA! Told you the crocs wouldn't get me!"
Friday, September 01, 2006
An update again? Already? Ok fine!
About Me. Well of course I start with me, it's my blog!
You know, I'm really not all that interesting. I can't seem to focus right now for some reason. Reading is about the only thing that I can focus on for any extended period of time. Probably because a book seems to take me away from myself, or something. TV is boring me, crocheting is a pain because I have this half finished project eatin away at my subconcious SCREAMING, "Finish me dammit!" But I really don't want to do it right now, too hot. Sewing is a drag because I'm just learning and trying to sew in a straight line is HARD. Not to mention actually putting two pieces of fabric together and making them stay together, not having one drag or slide out of place...HARD! I want to buy some cute baby quilted panels for a couple friends who are having babies. You know the ones that are just a cute picture or something, that I just have to sew a binding on? Well I want to put that nice satin ribbon type binding on them. Then, it's sort of bought and sort of made because I sewed something. But my practice one...UGLY. I need help. Lost the number of the person who said she'd help me. Probably threw it out because it was written on an old reciept in my wallet. OY!
How come I can be a totally strict, grumpy parent and yet still give my child permission to put blue streaks in her hair. Do you think she's caught on that her Mom is nuts? Hope not.
About Alex. As I said above, the child will be returned to me with Smurf hair. Or maybe just smurf colored hair. Dunno, but I'll find out Sunday. Just streaks though, hopefully they don't go totally nuts with it.
She's all set for school. I think it's a raging drag that the extent of the new clothes she got is...two pair of jeans and a pair of shoes. That's it. Thankfully Katie (my awesome favorite niece) gave Al a BUTTLOAD of clothing. Katie's stuff is always nearly new looking. Alex LOVES to get clothes from Katie because they are always, "In style". But still, I'd like to have gotten her a few more things. Alex is taking a totally awesome class first semester, "Crime Scene Investigation". She's really stoked about it. She also got to be TA for her all time favorite teacher.
About John. Can we get a WOOT WOOT for Big Daddy? His blood sugar is under control totally. He's been taking his meds (hold on while I remind him LOL). We're just waiting for our first traffic court date regarding the light bar, and then a doctors appointment. Then John is on his way back to driving long haul. And I can reclaim my bathroom, but we're not talking about me here LOL.
About Skyler. He's pretty much back to normal. There are good days and not so good days, but that's normal with any animal I suppose.
There. I updated!
You know, I'm really not all that interesting. I can't seem to focus right now for some reason. Reading is about the only thing that I can focus on for any extended period of time. Probably because a book seems to take me away from myself, or something. TV is boring me, crocheting is a pain because I have this half finished project eatin away at my subconcious SCREAMING, "Finish me dammit!" But I really don't want to do it right now, too hot. Sewing is a drag because I'm just learning and trying to sew in a straight line is HARD. Not to mention actually putting two pieces of fabric together and making them stay together, not having one drag or slide out of place...HARD! I want to buy some cute baby quilted panels for a couple friends who are having babies. You know the ones that are just a cute picture or something, that I just have to sew a binding on? Well I want to put that nice satin ribbon type binding on them. Then, it's sort of bought and sort of made because I sewed something. But my practice one...UGLY. I need help. Lost the number of the person who said she'd help me. Probably threw it out because it was written on an old reciept in my wallet. OY!
How come I can be a totally strict, grumpy parent and yet still give my child permission to put blue streaks in her hair. Do you think she's caught on that her Mom is nuts? Hope not.
About Alex. As I said above, the child will be returned to me with Smurf hair. Or maybe just smurf colored hair. Dunno, but I'll find out Sunday. Just streaks though, hopefully they don't go totally nuts with it.
She's all set for school. I think it's a raging drag that the extent of the new clothes she got is...two pair of jeans and a pair of shoes. That's it. Thankfully Katie (my awesome favorite niece) gave Al a BUTTLOAD of clothing. Katie's stuff is always nearly new looking. Alex LOVES to get clothes from Katie because they are always, "In style". But still, I'd like to have gotten her a few more things. Alex is taking a totally awesome class first semester, "Crime Scene Investigation". She's really stoked about it. She also got to be TA for her all time favorite teacher.
About John. Can we get a WOOT WOOT for Big Daddy? His blood sugar is under control totally. He's been taking his meds (hold on while I remind him LOL). We're just waiting for our first traffic court date regarding the light bar, and then a doctors appointment. Then John is on his way back to driving long haul. And I can reclaim my bathroom, but we're not talking about me here LOL.
About Skyler. He's pretty much back to normal. There are good days and not so good days, but that's normal with any animal I suppose.
There. I updated!
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