Sunday, December 10, 2006

Being sicks bites the big butt

I've had this weird cold for a freakin' WEEK already! I'm tired of being sick. I'm not sleeping well because the stupid cold is in my chest now and I can't breath. If I'm not better by Wednesday then I have to go see the doctor. I soooooo don't want to do that.

My Grandpa is ill. He was in the hospital for several days last week. I guess he'd had some water retention that wasn't going away with medication, fluid around his heart and when they did an "Upper GI" (dunno what that is exactly), they found bleeding in his intestines too. He needed what he calls "patching up" there to stop the bleeding and he had a blood transfusion. I'm scared for him.


Teresa said...

I hope you're feeling better....I have your cold now - thanks for passing it along! LOL

Prayers being said for your grandfather.


daionara said...

Grandpa seems to be doing better, at least he says he is. And I am feeling better now, thanks. I've still got some upper respiratory issues but it's getting better.