We're trying very hard to just make things as normal as possible, but it's hard with this divorce looming over our heads. John has done a fairly good job of playing me for a fool over the past few months and I bought it all, until now. I don't have anything left to give. There's nothing left but a giant void filled with grief, bitter tears and an overwhelming sense of loss. I'm just so sad things had to go this way, really very sad. Who expected it, oh probably everyone. I do have the pleasure of knowing that everyone thought I'd wise up and dump him. HA! Not that smart I guess.
The biggest catalyst to be finished was Alex. He's broken her heart for the last time and I wouldn't be any kind of mother if I continued to allow it to happen.
So we're muddling through as best we can. Prayers needed and appreciated.
Of course prayers are said! John has truly lost a very good thing, and one of these days he will figure that out...however, you my dear deserve MUCH better - and now is the time to spread your wings and fly. And, even though you feel so much pain in your heart right now...it's for the better. You've become such a stronger person in these past couple of months, whether you can see it for yourself or not. The people around you can see it and are VERY proud of you. I know I am...
Dai - you will get through this and come out as gold tried by fire. I can't wait to see the person you become when you have put all of this behind you. My thoughts and prayers are always with you~~~hugs~~~~
There are bound to be good days and bad days, but keep you're head down and keep pushin' thru, Dai...there's a big, beautiful world just waitin' for you to enjoy, girl!!
My best thoughts are with you and your girls.
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