Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Forum woes

I belong to an online forum. Well actually I belong to a few of them, but only one is really worth venting about. The others are sort of lala fluffy stuff.

There are four particular people on my online forum that I cannot STAND. Here they will be reffered to as...

Forum Nazi (FN)
Big Dunce (BD)
Melting Whore (MW)
Sea Witch (SW)

FN, she's got to be the most power tripping person I've had the displeasure of being around, even if just online. FN corrects us like we're children and excuses her behavior because in real life "its my job". Yet she loves to put me in my place, and the fact that I have a varifiable emotional disorder isn't good enough. She was part of the whole controversy which cost several friends (because they left our forum). I think she got exactly what she wanted though, POWER.

I'm still stunned that BD has ANY friends. Can't they tell that she's got an empty skull? She's completely superficial. She can't confront anyone really difficult for her. She'll take on the lesser stuff, but leaves the bigger things to other people. Oh, she'll go running off to someone who shouldn't even be involved and whine about something I said, but she KNOWS she can't take me on, coward. I'd shred her, and I think she's afraid to have the mirror turned on her. UGH, it's like being forced to stay in the same room as a squealing balloon.

MW, nasty little sasquatch! Bed hopping troll. I've never EVER met someone who could be so nice to your face and so evil behind your back. But what do you expect from someone who can't even be honest to a judge? I have no respect for liars. I have no respect for someone who will PROUDLY prance thier immoral life around. *shudder*

Ahhh SW...she who stirred things up with the others, and lied about just how much she helped. Got no respect for someone who backstabs thier own.

I know I'm a bitch. You don't have to tell me that. But I am also FIERCELY loyal to my friends. I expect any "friend" to behave in the same way. If you aren't capable of that basic human courtesy, they you don't belong in polite company. So, since I am not allowed to speak my mind in the forum I love (because I do love it there), I'll speak it here. If you see yourself here and don't like what I've said...tough nougies. I'll delete your comments too if you try to complain, because HERE I'm the boss. I take no shit and I pull no punches. This is the only warning you'll get.

Now, there are some absolutely great chicks there too.

Susan. She's probably Christianity personafied for me. Sweet, loving, gentle and kind hearted. She hardly speaks ill of anyone! I love her to pieces.

Jackie. I probably feel closest to her. I've had friends for longer, but Jackie is...home. We've got so much in common. We're Bama gals. Similar morals, beliefs and sense of humor (ok so I'm funnier hehe). I love her like a sister and cherrish her friendship.

Neecy. My beautiful, special angel. She's gone through so much and she's so strong. I have such an admiration of what she has accomplished and the fact that she continues to shine. Recently I've discovered that we don't have the same belief in God. It hurts my heart but it doesn't take away from my love for her. I just pray a lot more. She's another that I consider to be a best friend.

Kat. Kat, Kat, Kat. I really didn't expect to like her quite so much. She's the sort of plain spoken person that I often admire, but usually am too afraid to get near. See, she'd put me in my place quicker than bug snot. Being bi-polar, I am incredibly oversensitive. But Kat, she doesn't pick at that. She'll tell me what I need to hear, but in a way that I can swallow. Not everyone can do that, but our Kat can. I swear, if her man doesn't marry her soon I'm going to have to beat on him! I think she deserves the world.

Devon and Wendy. They have to go together in the same space. They're pretty good buddies to each other. Devon just had a darling baby girl, Wendy is newly pregnant. They're both very sweet to me.

There's more, depending on the day. But these are the ones that stick out right now. I've got other friends, on other forums. I may post about them from time to time too. Today I have someone in my heart and mind, praying for her continued strength and courage in the battle for her life. I'll pay her the respect and not mention her by name, because I know she wouldn't like it.

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