My name is dai. Well my real name isn't dai, but that's not all that important. I've used daionara online for something like 10 years. So, I'm dai. I a 31 year old bi-polar wife and mother. I have a part time job but I am mostly a stay at home parent. It works for me. I was diagnosed bi-polar when I was in high school, so I'm pretty used to it. My poor husband though, it's been a challenge for him. Oh but I am supposed to talk about me here. Hmmm. I can crochet and I make beaded jewelry too (hobbies ya know, supposed to be good for you). I love to read and tend to read anything I can get my hands on. I'm one of those people who will even read the same book again later.

This is my daughter, Alex. She's cute. Something of a drama queen though, but I'm told that's part and parcel with being a teenager. Although she's got another 6 months before that's official. She's incredibly bright and is on the Honor Role at her school. So, she's smart, and sweet and cute too. She claims that she doesn't have any hobbies. But she reads just about as much as I do. She also likes to play her video games, chat with friends via e-mail and spend weekends at her grandparents. What does she hate? CHORES! I'm very proud of her.
Well, this is my family and this is my blog. I doubt you'll see much detail like this in the future. I just wanted you to know who I'm talking about when I vent in my blog. Because that's really what this place is going to be. A place for me to get my feelings out when they aren't making much sense to me. I figure if I can write them down, maybe I can piece them together into something less twisted around.
Oh! I have a dog too.

1 comment:
Great start on your blog, Dai! You'll have to put lots of pics of Skyler up - and don't forget your birdies!!!
I look forward to reading (and commenting) on your posts...blogging is addictive!!
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