Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Fear, uncertainty and sorrow...

That's what I feel today. Skyler woke us around 7:30am, screaming. He was in so much pain that he pooped a little in his crate. There was no pee-pee and the support group says that bladder control would be lost before bowel control, so it was most likely just an accident caused by his reaction to the pain and the fact that he had to go poop. He cried again when he came inside and I was trying to give him his medication. It breaks my heart.

Losing Abbigail last year just ripped me apart and now I'm afraid we may lose Skyler too. If he doesn't get better and becomes paralyzed, which the vet says is possible, we can't afford the costly treatment and surgery that would be required. In that situation I would first try to find a rescue organization that would be willing to cover his treatment and care, and then find him a new home. Otherwise we'd have to send Skyler over the Bridge to God. I'm scared.

I'm praying that God will help him and let him stay.


Anonymous said...

Saying a prayer for Skyler, you and your family. (((Dai)))

daionara said...

Thank God very much, anonymous!

daionara said...

That should have said, Thank YOU very much...got God on my mind I guess.

Anonymous said...

Andrea, I will keep Skyler in my thoughts. Think positive. Tiffany

daionara said...

Thanks Tiff. Send me an e-mail, will ya?

Teresa said...

Dai - so sorry to hear this about Skylar. He and you are definitely in my prayers! {{{hugs}}} Give him a scratch behind the ears for me!