Sunday, July 02, 2006

The world can be a lonely place

In the past couple of weeks I have left several internet forums that I used to belong to. I just feel like the square peg trying to poke itself through a round hole. I don't fit. There are so many wonderful people who I know care for me, but it's getting too difficult to ignore the witches and a-holes who don't. As an adult I've always stood up for myself and what I believe in, even if I'm wrong about something. But I also tend to avoid being somewhere that is has a lot of negativity. So my blog readers, if you are one of those wonderful people...if you don't see me in the usual places just know that I can be found here on occasion.

Work is the same, I'm looking forward to the end of summer when I can go back to my other position. It gets old hearing, "What happened to the other guy?" GUY? Do I really look like have a penis?

Skyler is recovering from some sort of injury that he go sustained at the groomer. Scary situation that we still haven't fully solved. Now that he's feeling better it's difficult to keep him DOWN like he needs to be. No extra walking around. Hell I tried crating him like the vet said but he gets so worked up that it's worse for him to be in the crate.

Alex will be spending a great deal of time with my folks this summer. They're going to get her into some summer programs, like a babysitting class and maybe a CPR class if she's old enough.

Husband is...the same as always.


Kat said...

I like square pegs better than round ones anyway. It's easier to have a discussion with someone who thinks for themselves, as opposed to someone who will nod and agree with every word you say. Their loss!

Teresa said...

{{{{{{{BIG HUGS!}}}}}}}


i've backed out of a couple of forums for the same reason. sorry you are (were) having such a rough one. thanks for reading me and commenting and i am glad to find you here. sending you big hugs and kisses and the hope that everything in your household is as it should be - quiet, calm and healthy.

Anonymous said...

I know the world is a VERY lonely
place because of a certain someone who ditched me for a blondie!This girl was super HOT,super mean,and got anything she wanted.I used to drive by her three-story mansion alot and stare at it,surprised.I had brown hair,so I was a brownie.This blond haired girl is named Jessy
Jackson and she was a total B****
around me.She could be "nice"
sometimes,but when it came down to my guy staring at her,I exploded like volcano lava.I'll never forget about my special guy that "loved" me.....='(