Saturday, April 01, 2006

Go speed racer....

right on back out the way you came. Yep, you heard me you sorry ass drunk piece of crap MINOR. *flexes muscles* "But there were puddles, I couldn't help it. I had to speed through them." Blah blah blah I don't want to hear your shiznit, just leave.

Ah to be able to talk that way would have been great! Instead it sounded more like...

Me-You might as well get back into your vehicle.
Me-Because that's the way the boss wants it. He says that if you'll act like a jerk out here in the lot, speeding and not watching for people or kids, then you'll more than likely be a jerk inside and they don't need your business.
Them-Serious? It was the puddles man, I had to do it.
Me-It's the boss man, you gotta go.

Then their buddy comes out of the bowling alley to find out why his "homies" can't come in.

Him-Can't you just pretend they didn't do it?
Me-Sorry not my style. Even if I wanted to, I'm not about to do it with my supervisor sitting right there. (John was visiting me for a few minutes. Technically since he WAS on duty at the time, he IS my immediate supervisor).
Me-Uhh, see the nice white car with the pretty lightbar on top and the mean looking man sitting behind the steering wheel? That'd be him.
All three guys-Ohhhh shit. Sorry.

Ahhh the joys of my job. John ended up having to drive over to thier vehicle to help "encourage" thier departure. Then he had to go up to the entrance because they'd decided to park in the driveway to wait. He's so big and scary. Cough.

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