Saturday, April 01, 2006

I call them mellow yellow.....

Yep, that's right. My magic little pills that make everything easier to manage. I still get the mood swings but they aren't these HUGE monsters. ALREADY a noticed change, I likey much! My swearing came back for a while but is gone. See I get relaxed and I forget to watch my mouth. But the euphoric phase of the medication is fading a bit and I'm starting to feel more in touch. Bummer. I see how people could get "addicted" to these. Of course anyone who knows me knows I don't believe in addiction. I believe addiction is a cover up for poor self control and lousy will power. For YEARS I heard, "Your addicted to smoking." Toss off wankers I was not, I simply LIKED smoking. Me and my Marlboro Menthol Ultra Light 100's (in a box) were buddies. Smoking gave me an excuse to go outside and get away from whatever was going on. Escaping parenting and partnering. Smoking was fun to do while driving, though I never managed the left handed smoking them. I miss smoking. There's a whole social group that I used to fit with but don't anymore because I'm one of those "gasp" reformed smokers. Nah, I'm not reformed, just tired of the crap from Mom, John and Alex. So I quit, gosh I think it's been TWO YEARS since I stuck a cig butt between these lips, or close to it. Geez. *takes a moment*
Ok Moment is over, back to what I was saying.

These little pills put my brain in a funky groovy space. Kind of like how I think pot does with potheads. You know that shit happens, but who gives a rats ass. Yah, that feeling. Case in point. Took my pills. About two hours later I realized my husband wasn't going to have a parking space if I didn't move my car into the garage. So I get in my car and back it over to the garage. Garage light is burned out. Bummer. I try backing into the dark garage and am only successful in *SMACK* wiping the passenger side mirror dealy clean off the car. My response? "Well shit. Oh well, I'll get it fixed later." Before the mellow yellows..."Oh my God. Look what I did! Oh I suck! What am I going to do? John's going to kill me! How am I supposed to fix this? Can I fix it myself and hide it? Crap should I leave the car in the garage until he's gone? *tears, hysterics* Hell even when John got home while I was using MASKING TAPE to put the mirror back up I just sort of cried a little. Why? "Honey look what I did, I broke my cars arm. She's gonna hate me now or something." He just laughed, then I laughed. Then the next day $135 later, new mirror. Oh btw, I SO did a killer job with the masking tape. That mirror didn't so much as wiggle all the way to the dealership. HAHAHA take that manly men who think only they can fix things!

Hooray for mellow yellow!

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