Saturday, April 08, 2006

The terrible, horrible, no good, very bad night


Tonight started crappy from the minute I walked into work. I get jumped on by the CM (the main boss there) because I haven't been filling out activity reports. I didn't know they expected me to. Then I get jumped on for not writing an incident report about something that happened last Saturday. Uhh, dunno exactly what happened because I get called in by T. only to have E. tell me that he's got it under control. Kind of a short IR to write huh?

So I call John who calls our boss (The actual OWNER of our company, who loves John). John calls me back and says that our boss said that writing activity reports and incident reports isn't something that is in the contract. Well the last guy wrote reports. Apparently he'd made them up himself on his computer because there were NEVER any report sheet issued by our company. Oh fine. PAH! So I get told to tell the CM to call the owner of our company on Monday to discuss paperwork. Then the CM tells me (The bombshell), "Yeah I have to call him Monday anyway. We only use security from September until the end of April, when we have leagues. I need to remind him that we don't need security past the 28th and 29th." FUCK! Unless some miracle occurs, I'm out of a freaking job.

We so don't need this right now. We're barely making it as it is.

The rest of the night just spiralled straight into hell. A "bi-sexual" (see I already know way more about her than I need to), got her nose out of joint because some guy called her a carpet muncher. She's drunk and she's screaming at this one guy, but he's not the one that said it apparently. So instead of just blowing her off, he comes running out of the bowling alley and says, "You want to talk to me like a man and act like a man, I'll treat you like one you fucking bitch." Nice. So I get that settled. Then I had a guy come roaring into the bowling alley in his huge monster truck, and when I told him to leave (reckless driving, speeding and generally being a dick get you kicked off the property) his passenger starts giving me a hard time. Geez I am only doing my job you ass hat! Then some kids showed up that had a problem with D, a really sweet guy at work. They poured soda pop all over his car.

To top the night off I got a nose bleed. Well no, scratch that. I got TWO nose bleeds. One came just after the turn the lights out for "Extreme Bowling" and the other came just as the lights came back about two hours apart. Geez!

Fucking SSD people think I'm fully capable of handling my job. Yeah, that's why I wanted to take Mz "Bi sexual" and Mr "Wanna talk like a Man" and bash thier heads together repeatedly until thier brains oozed out. K, yeah. I'm fine.

Scuze me whilst I go medicate the shit out of myself.


Kat said...

Ack! That's a day I'd rather not repeat. Did the big boss call you yet about other work, or was the CM just being a dickwad because he could? What's your contract say?

daionara said...

Oh I don't generally talk to Wayne. I'll probably hear from him Monday about the job ending officially.

The Salem patrol district (our company security patrol, which John does here 4 nights a week, the bosses son does the other 3 nights) really could use a part time back up person. The district is getting larger and with only one driver, things are starting to get tight. We're hoping that MAYBE Wayne will consider putting me to work there, just picking up some slack. Doing a couple lock ups and walk throughs for the guys. The idea of working EVERY NIGHT sucks dick though.

daionara said...

I was gonna call you last night but it was like 10 something your time. It's hard for me to remember the time difference sometimes. Alex is doing fine. It helps that the neighbor stays up with her.