Sunday, July 16, 2006

Happy belated birthday to me, and other bullsh*t

I had a rockin' birthday, for the most part. I spent several hours with my Mom. Me and my Mooooooooommmy, strolling down the avenue......" We had a great time. We shopped for a sewing machine (my b-day present) and went out to eat. I rarely get time alone with my Mom. I love love loved it!

So it's the end of the day, July 16th. My birthday was the 11th. I STILL haven't heard from my in-laws. I'm gonna call them next week to remind them that Alex's birthday is on the 9th of August, so that they don't forget. I feel pretty darn nasty right now, because my feelings really got hurt by them forgetting about my day. Part of it is total jealousy though. My Mom and Dad sent John a card on his birthday. Hell they gave him money! It'd have been nice to at least merit a phone call.

Skyler is better. He's making me NUTS! We've still got over 4 weeks of crate confinement and he's being a real pain about it now.

Must sleep, can't see worth a toot. Worked all day.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Any title with "Bullshit" in it certainly grabs my attention! LOL. I know you are hurt by your In-laws, but try not to get you down. The people who you care about (Alex, your mom) achknowledged your special day, and that is better than anything. Happy sewing, beyoche!