Friday, December 01, 2006

And so, it goes on...

Life I mean. I just keep waking up. It would seem more appropriate for a life shattering event like my Gram's death would at least stop the world for a while. But it doesn't. Instead it just throws more shit into the wind.

My brother had a massive heart attack. Yah you read me right, my BROTHER. He's 39. MASSIVE HEART ATTACK. Hello meth, you should come with warning labels. What's that? You do? Oh yeah, on all the chemical bottles you're made from! Der, wonder why the nimrod didn't think first? Oh, because he's stupid. Yah, I forgot sorry. Back to the story. So he has a massive heart attack while cruising around at the mall in his town. He was even walking, which since he's got a prosthetic limb isn't impossible, but it's impressive. He's a selfish, lazy bastard. I'd have thought the pity he'd get while cruising in his wheelchair would have been more up his alley. Wow, can we say unresolved anger issues? Huh. So, he died. Yep, DIED. Fortunately for him, the paramedics were able to bring him back. A couple of days later, he has a triple bypass operation. He's home within a week of his near fatal heart attack.

Mom's sweetie birds Sunny and Baby have passed away. I think it's unfair that my Mom is having all this crap heaped on her. She's a little woman, with little shoulders. This is a heavy load to carry. I help. I'm great at carrying burdens. She says thanks for worrying about her, but she's fine.

Fine. She's fine. I'm fine. The whole f*cking world is fine. I hate the word fine.

What I am is angry. Angry that my Gram is gone and Tre was given yet ANOTHER chance. See, this was his second heart attack. He also had that septic infection. Three times now we've heard, "We're not sure he'll survive this." Three? What happend to three strikes and you're out? Ah well, I'm not God. So I sit and try to understand His wisdom. I can't, so I suppose I should follow my own rule, "Let go and let God."

John'll be home for a few days (yep he's driving long haul in case I didn't mention that". He leased a truck, I am simply less than joyful with that decision made without discussing it with me first. He's got court later on today for a lame-ass monkey traffic citation. Not a good topic to discuss because I'd like to feed that State Trooper to a rabid dog, while he (the cop) is still concious.

So, this is life going on. Whee. Ain't it fun?

Oh, some good stuff. Alex is still getting good grades. I'd say great but she said she doesn't think she's got another straight A report card coming. She thinks there are a few B's on there. That's ok I reckon. She audition for and made "Spotlight". That's the middle school's "Elite" drama class. Of course I think it's crap that they make you audition for a CLASS. If she hadn't made it, she'd have had to wait until next year in high school to take drama. They only offer Drama I and Drama II at her school as regular classes.

Anyhow, back to life going on. Ciao.


Teresa said...

Congratulations to Alex and making "Spotlight".

Big ol' hugs to you, Dai!

Kat said...

I didn't think about the Gram / Tre connection until this post...from an outsider who has not experienced your life, I'd be cursing the heavens. I think you are holding up extremely well. Hugs.

daionara said...

Thanks Kat. I am trying at least.

Hugs back to you and to you too Boopsie!

Debbie said...

Hey, Dai - I'm really sorry about all the crap in your life but I must say that you really have a way with words and are a very interesting writer. Have you ever tried to get anything published? I'm serious!!!