Monday, February 04, 2008

I'm a lousy blogger

But then, I don't really get read so I suppose it doesn't matter.

Work Stuff
1) Patrol sucks. Too many people don't take me seriously. I hate that.
2) I've been in two accidents, neither my fault. The first one involved a guy taking a corner without looking and he hit me. No real damage. The second one involved a drunk who backed into me. Again no real damage. But that bites anyway because it's time out of my night which puts me behind in my patrol duties.
3) One account in a bad neighborhood just got worse. They fired the maintenance guy. This is the guy I have been calling "my stalker" because he lurked everywhere when I was there locking up and just watched me. But he used to come tell me what he thought I needed to be doing until I finally stopped being polite. Now the boss and his son (my Captain) are having to work there ARMED during the day and yet they expect me to go in at NIGHT and lock up alone. That's been fun.
4) Same account, different problem. Hispanic men who have no respect for my authority. They won't leave the hot tub area or the indoor basketball court when I ask them to so I can lock up. It can take up to 10 minutes for them to leave. Stupid assholes!
5) Different account. Senior Citizens mostly. They get drunk and then don't want to leave when it's time to close up. Assholes!

Personal Life
Geez, just don't ask. It's a non stop trainwreck.


Becky said...

I check on you weekly and miss your updates!

Anonymous said...

I check here all the time....stay safe at work, sounds like you need a partner at some of those places. -- Tiffany

Anonymous said...

I check your blog all the time, in hopes of an update. I don't have a lot to say in reply but I still care. :-)

daionara said...

Well I've made a vow to try and update more often!