Monday, March 31, 2008

A collection of poetry

Ok so most of this is null and void at this point, but it's still pretty darn good. I write poetry when I am feeling "open". Whether it's sorrow or joy, I have times where I just need to write. So I'm sharing some here. A couple of blog readers who have known me for a while may remember some of this, maybe not.

"Together again"

He looks at her,
with eyes of love.
she is to Him,
a gift from above.
Together again,
no tricks or lies.
Together forever,
no more goodbyes.
He takes her arm,
and leads her away.
Never to wander,
never to stray.
she smiles at Him,
and take his hand.
Trusting as He guides her,
to a new wonderous land.
A place just for them,
with happiness only.
No more tears,
they'll never be lonely.
There is now ONE,
where once there was two.
One man and one woman,
Just me, and just You.
Bound of the soul,
joined by the heart.
What's now together,
No one can part.
Our love shines true,
through the darkest of days.
Guiding us now,
and forever,

"Loves Wings"

When I fell in love, it was like I'd been given wings. I could fly into the heavens. I could touch the sky. I could soar through the clouds, laughing as they tickled my face. With the love wings, I was able to fly to places I'd never seen. I could do things I never thought possible. I was an angel. Love is a precious gift. The gift of flight on loves wings is it be cherrished and used freely. Love has left my life, my wings have been forcefully ripped from my body. I wasn't allowed to land on safe ground first. The wings were ripped away in mid flight, and I fell from the sky. When I hit the ground I was broken. Now I wander the earth, a wingless angel. Forced to walk on saddened feet. Battered and bruised of spirit. Without my love wings, life is not so wonderful. I am unable to go to those beautiful places. Unable to do those wonderful things. The gift of love was taken. One day, love will come again. It will come again on wings brighter, bigger and better than the ones I had before. I will once again fly. Higher than before, and to even better places. Next time love comes, I'll be ready. I will fly up, and touch God's face. I will thank Him for my life, my love and everything that I am. Until then, I will learn to walk with grace. So that when the time comes, I can fly like an angel.

Straining higher,
reaching out,looking for perfection.
Grasping hands,searching gazes,
looking for perfection.

Twisting here,
turning there,
looking for perfection.

Second glances,
sofly smiling,
accepting satisfaction.

Yeah ok, enough introspection for one night.


Teresa said...

What beautiful are talented.

daionara said...

Thank you Teresa!