Sunday, April 23, 2006

Ooops, bad blogger, bad bad blogger

Sorry, I've been....busy?

Work is sad. Each weekend that has gone by since I found out my post there ends on the 29th has been sort of a downer. I don't want to leave, the night guy doesn't want me to leave but we don't make the contracts. Hopefully I'll be able to go back there in September. Meanwhile I just have to pray there is somewhere else for me to go. Sounds like I'll be working in a town about 20 minutes up the highway, at night, ALONE, for 12 hours, two shifts. F*CK!!! The 14 hours I'm working right now are physically taxing on my body. Every work night I come home with my left shoulder (front and back) aching and sending pain down into my elbow. Probably just how I'm carrying my stress, but it sure feels like something I'm doing aggrevates an old injury.

It's prom season. I really wish I'd have taken my camera with me tonight. There was a girl there wearing a red dress. It was cut like a dress you'd see on a Tango dancer, only higher. You know, long down the one leg but cut up so that the other side ends somewhere just below vagina level. She looked like a slut. I'm sure she's probably a terribly nice girl (though I doubt a really NICE girl would dress like that). I commented, "You must have a really nice Mom." She asked, "Why?" So I told her, "No way in hell would my daughter be allowed out of the house in a dress like that." She said, "I'm an exchange student, my Mom's in Germany so I can wear what I want." Way to go American host parents. Ten to one when her mother sees the pictures, she has a fit. Another thing...what's with all the strapless gowns on busty young ladies? The small breasted girls had NO PROBLEMS with thier dresses. But the large busted girls were constantly tugging the tops of thier dresses up. My, that's how I want to spend a night out, adjusting my dress every five seconds.

I had a guy get in my face tonight because I asked him to take his conversation somewhere else. He and a friend are standing in the entry way as families are leaving (a Mother and two small girls in particular) and every other word out of this guys mouth was "F*ck". It was offensive to that mother and to me, so I told him to take it somewhere else. He got all anal about how there's no profanity sign posted and how it's after 11pm (wasn't even 10pm yet, guess who'd been drinking). Oh and that at this time of night it's an all adult establishment, because there's a bar there. Whatever. I told him, "Look, put on your big boy underwear and take it somewhere else, or leave." When I told the night manager that later (making sure they hadn't complained about me) he busted up laughing.

Yesterday a hispanic truck driver who wanted to park his rig in the lot (after being told NO well over 6 times since January) called me a bitch to whomever he was talking to on the phone (I'd told him to leave). Then he ran over the curb LOL. As I helped him pull chunks of the curb out from between his tires so that he could leave I said, "I'm not a bitch, I'm doing my job." So he got this look on his face, said, "Oh you heard that? Sorry". Yah whatever. So then he gets back in the truck, still on the phone (hands free mic) and prattles on and calls me a PUTA. So I said, "I'm not a PUTA either." He said, "You speak spanish? Sorry." Finally I'd had enough of this asshole so I said, "Si, pendeho, yo hoblo espanol. Adios cavrone." I'm sure I slaughtered the spelling there. Asshole.

Anyway, enough about work. I've got a good buzz going from my meds so it's time to go to bed. I have to get up at 10am (almost 4am now). Going up to Portland to hunt for parking so I can meet a couple people and try to find someplace to eat. I'm a little frustrated that they've been up there for a couple days and haven't managed to find a restaurant for me to meet them at. Parking in Portland is a bitch!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back - I've missed reading your blog! I know what you mean about the prom dresses - I'm always shocked with our prom pictures come back at school (I get to see them first - perk of the job).

daionara said...

NEVER NEVER NEVER would Alex go out of this house like that girl did. NEVER NEVER!!!