Saturday, March 11, 2006

Sometimes his complete selfishness astounds me.

First let me set this up right.

This evening as I am eating my "breakfast" (working nights means that my first meal is breakfast even though it's dinner time). my husband says to me, "Don't worry about lunch, I'll fix it and bring it down to you. Unless you want to pack a lunch." I said I wasn't real keen on bologna and I didn't feel like cutting up cheese to make a sandwich out of it. So he tells me, "Well I'm cooking anyway so I'll bring you down something." Ok great.

I call from work and ask my husband to have my daughter wrap up the last two pieces of my pizza so that I can have it as left overs. He tells me, "No. I'm eating it. I told him that I wanted it when I came home and he said, "NO. I'm eating it." So I asked if he was still cooking a meal to bring to me. Nope, but he'll have something ready for me when I get home. I told him that I wanted the pork chops that need to be cooked anyway, and then mashed potatoes and corn. He was thinking fish instead of the pork but the rest of the meal was already something he planned on. Ok fine he says.

Well here it is 2:30am. I just worked an 8 hour shift outside in the cold (freezing actually, as in the wet ground froze even). I notice that the lights are off in the kitchen as I pulled up. I walk in the house, no husband in the living room. Where is he? Still sleeping. He'd called around 11pm to tell me that he was going to take a nap before getting up to come down to help me out at 1am. Which of course he didn't show up. So I thought, great does this mean there is no dinner? Sure enough, nothing got cooked. On top of that, the dog was doing the pee-pee dance. So I had to take him out because apparently my husband can't.

I know after 7 years I should be used to it but right now I'm sick and tired of all the, "Have the girl fix my lunch for me.", "What's for dinner, I have to work tonight?", "My feet hurt so I can't help you carry in the groceries.", "Well he never goes for me when I take him outside." (the dog) And all the empty promises. I'll do this for you. Since I bought that, you can buy this...but there's never enough money when it comes time for my something to buy.


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